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With head, shelled, carcass weight from 2 to 3 kg

Halibut premium (Denmark)

VAT Included
  • About the benefits of fish, not only nutrition experts say, but all doctors, because the composition of water representatives is striking in the diversity of the most important trace elements for the human body. Halibut is no exception. Its nutrients make the product incredibly beneficial to humans. About the benefits of fish, not only nutrition experts say, but all doctors, because the composition of water representatives is striking in the diversity of the most important trace elements for the human body. Halibut is no exception. Its nutrients make the product incredibly beneficial to humans. Thus, halibut is a unique product that even official medicine recognizes, recommending that its patients use wonderful fish to improve their general well-being, and also as a means to cope with many diseases. In addition, for women, children and men, miracle fish has preserved its health secrets.

    For women:

    For the beautiful half of humanity, halibut is simply irreplaceable, because its omega-3 fatty acids help to improve and maintain the beauty of the skin, strengthen hair. It also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, to cope with stress, to help prevent varicose veins. Specialists advise women not to neglect halibut caviar, as it is she who has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. It is thanks to these qualities that the weaker sex must include in its diet a wonderful gift of the sea, which helps to preserve fragile women's health and take care of beauty and youth!

    For men:

    Halibut will help men prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, give strength and endurance, improve metabolism, and increase potency, improve the quality of seminal fluid and reduce the risk of prostate diseases. Thus, men should not only catch halibut, but also to use in order to preserve not only your health, but also male power for many years!

  • Return of goods is possible upon notifying the operator by phone whats app +33629324381 within 24 hours from the date of purchase of the product. In order to return the funds for the goods, you must take photos and describe the reason for the return.

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